Donations are our Lifeline!
Loaves and Fishes Ministries began as a dream and a calling to serve our homeless brothers and sisters. The Loaves and Fishes story of Jesus feeding 5,000 with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes was the inspiration not only for the name of the ministry but for the underlying belief that, somehow, a little would go a long way and all would be fed.
Since we opened our doors in 1981, caring for our sisters and brothers experiencing homelessness has given us an enduring legacy of stories that have deeply touched our hearts. We have been blessed with donated repair/maintenance, and attorney services, plus occasional bequests from the estates of former donors and volunteers . We have even had a few surprise cash donations sent with notes or letters of gratitude from former guests. These are indeed stories to stir the soul!

However, Loaves and Fishes Ministries continues to primarily rely on donations, public/private grants, and fundraising efforts to sustain the ministry. Each year a sizeable portion of our operational revenue comes from individual and group giving. If you are one of those donors, we are most grateful. If you are thinking of a good place to donate, please consider L&F Ministries.
In all honesty, we could not continue our mission nor meet our financial obligations, without your generosity which helps us multiply the “five loaves and two fishes” as Jesus did in the Gospel to lovingly feed and house the many who come to our door. Be assured that we are deeply grateful for whatever and whenever you are able to give, and that we will honor all designation requests to the best of our ability.
You can make secure one-time or periodic financial donations online through Network for Good by clicking on the button below. Thank you!
Please see the links below for more information about how to donate to Loaves and Fishes Ministries.
To donate to our Wish List needs, click here: